Position Reports
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Latitude | Longitude | Date / Time (UTC) | Depth (m) | Speed (kts) | Course (°T) | Comment | 14° 2.0' N | 70° 21.0' W | 17 Feb 2017 17:30 | None | 6.0 | None | 167nm in last 24 hours. 477nm to go. Finally making progress in 1.5 meter seas. | 14° 11.0' N | 70° 47.0' W | 16 Feb 2017 17:30 | None | 7.1 | None | Seas less than 2 meters. Did 164nm in last 24 hours. 610nm to go. | 15° 6.0' N | 68° 6.0' W | 15 Feb 2017 18:00 | None | 5.9 | None | Wind up some. Less than 2 meter seas. Wing and wing with full main. | 16° 2.0' N | 64° 51.0' W | 14 Feb 2017 05:30 | None | 4.3 | None | 969nm to go. Calm seas, wind picked up a little late in the day. Fridge acting up. | 16° 18.0' N | 64° 3.0' W | 13 Feb 2017 16:00 | None | 2.3 | None | Left with no wind, full main and motoring. 1200nm to Panama. Chilly and clear sunset with green flash. |
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Vessel Particulars
Name: Chesapeake
Length: 14.0
Draft: 2.0